Air conditioning systems assist in filtering of pollutants and airborne particles which keeps the air in your car clean and allows for a safe and comfortable journey if the driver or passengers have allergies. A benefit of having vehicle air conditioning is that it provides efficient cool air in the summer and in the winter, it provides warm air, which easily demists steamed up car windows and makes for a more enjoyable trip. Finally, air conditioning in your car can provide a pleasant and odour free environment.
As car companies are continuing to downsize all their components used to build your vehicle to save on space and weight, the problem of growing organisms has been increased. While making the evaporator more efficient, it has also made it more prone to trap moisture, which contributes to the growth of organisms such as bacteria and fungus. The air conditioning smell is caused by fungus, bacteria and other microbes growing inside the evaporator core. The moist environment can be very conducive to the growth of these organisms. A regular service program from Supercool Southport will stop the build-up of moisture, eliminating these smells.
This is a hotly debated topic but the answer to this is ‘yes’ it does, but not as much as you may think. Think of the alternatives to not using your air conditioning in your car – You could open the windows but that would increase the wind resistance and which will increase your fuel consumption, especially on the highway. Having your windows open also creates extra noise and pollution. It’s also worth pointing out that air conditioning in your car should be run at least once a week, especially in winter as the seals within the air conditioning system can dry up and shrink, potentially costing you more in future in new parts and costly repairs.
Your car air conditioning system can lose up to 15% of its refrigerant every year, so a two year old car may have lost one third of its air conditioning refrigerant. This can seriously impact the performance of the system and damaging the components involved in an air conditioning unit. You should also regularly have your car air conditioning system serviced to reduce wear and tear on each of the components and help avoid potentially big repair bills
As we have previously mentioned, by not using your air conditioning the seals can dry up. When car manufacturers service your car they only test to see if the air conditioning works, not that all the components are in full working condition. Supercool Southport recommends servicing your vehicle air conditioning unit every two years. With this regular air conditioning system service, it ensures the system is full of refrigerant, that there are no leaks, the pressures are correct within the system and that the hoses, seals and pipes are all in full working order.
Whatever your auto air conditioning needs please call Supercool Southport now to make a booking or get some advice or assistance with your air conditioner problem. Call today on 07 5532 8133 or book online at
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